Becoming Land
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Becoming Land

Motherhood and lent in unprecedented times

Motherhood and lent in unprecedented times

Even when the cycle of death and rebirth is removed from the womb, it is not removed from our lives. And, what we do with this matters.
4 min read
The power of a pause

The power of a pause

Here's the truth of the matter, dearest soul tender. At some point, you (too) will attempt to be a do-it-all unicorn. You'll be smack dab in the middle of your own version of wildness. And then one day you will wake up, and that wildness will have become wilderness.
3 min read
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

How to live with a broken heart

A lectio divina on Portia Nelson's Autobiography in Five Short Chapters.
4 min read
Welcome to becoming land

Welcome to becoming land

Have you ever considered that this sacred, soul-shaping role that we have been gifted is the opportunity of a lifetime?
3 min read